Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Ok, diet is what comes to your thought may be.
Few words, don't fucking torture your body and appetite.
Eat 3 meals a day and go do exercise.

I tried plenty of dieting ways since high school. Last time I am slim and don't worry about food intake. Then I stop my gymnastic, I started to gain weight : (

Tried plenty of way like cabbage soup, bla bla protein diets by Atkins, no meat, no carbo, just veges diet, all fucking work for a short period and I finish reading the whole books of Atkins and follow its instruction, I lose weight and become 42kg.

Did Atkins and got 42kg, took this with my ciplak mobile phone camera, and story haven't finish.

I got the weight I wanted so I went back to normal eating life styles then BOOM ! 8kg rebound within 2 weeks. I am so sad with anger and tears......I tell you the truth from my experience in doing Atkins and other diets, No one shall live their life without carbs the more you don't eat carbs the more your body crave for it. If you don't eat carbs and just live your life eat protein, your breath would smells bad!

I diet all my life like bloody 10 years and it gets me psycho and last 2 year I accept and love myself  and my life got AWESOME!

Fucking love yourself and your body okay? Overweight people, get your health and life back on track ! Obesity can kill anyone!

I somewhat imagined if I got really fat and sit on the toilet bowl which can't support my weight and it breaks suddenly and cut my ass off!!! OMG!!! is so scary I shouldn't continue imagining this! ok, stops here!

Anyway time to sleep, Oyasumi!
